Kamis, 11 Desember 2008

Guru di Amerika juga belum paham Linux

Berikut saya kutip isi surat yang dikirim seorang guru di Austin, Texas kepada Ken Starks, pendiri HeliOS.

A teacher (from Austin, TX) came to students and confiscated the Linux Live CDs. Next, she wrote an angry email to HeliOS's project founder, Ken Starks:

"...observed one of my students with a group of other children gathered around his laptop. Upon looking at his computer, I saw he was giving a demonstration of some sort. The student was showing the ability of the laptop and handing out Linux disks. After confiscating the disks I called a confrence with the student and that is how I came to discover you and your organization. Mr. Starks, I am sure you strongly believe in what you are doing but I cannot either support your efforts or allow them to happen in my classroom. At this point, I am not sure what you are doing is legal. No software is free and spreading that misconception is harmful. These children look up to adults for guidance and discipline. I will research this as time allows and I want to assure you, if you are doing anything illegal, I will pursue charges as the law allows. Mr. Starks, I along with many others tried Linux during college and I assure you, the claims you make are grossly over-stated and hinge on falsehoods. I admire your attempts in getting computers in the hands of disadvantaged people but putting linux on these machines is holding our kids back.

This is a world where Windows runs on virtually every computer and putting on a carnival show for an operating system is not helping these children at all. I am sure if you contacted Microsoft, they would be more than happy to supply you with copies of an older verison of Windows and that way, your computers would actually be of service to those receiving them..."

Karen xxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxx Middle School
Berikut jawaban dari Ken Starks,


I suppose I should, before anything else, thank you. You have given me the opportunity to show others just what a battle we face in what we do. "We" being those who advocate, support and use Free Open Source Software and Linux in particular.

If you find my following words terse or less than cordial, take a breath and prepare yourself...what I have to say to you are soft strokes to your hair in comparison to what you are about to experience.

First off, if there was even the slightest chance that I was doing something illegal, it would not have been done. To think that I would involve my kids in my "illegal" activities is an insult far beyond outrage. You should be ashamed of yourself for putting into print such none sense.

And please...investigate to your heart's content. You are about to have your eyes opened, that is if you actually investigate anything at all. Linux is a free as-in-cost and free as-in-license operating system. It was designed specifically for those purposes. Linux is used to free people from Microsoft. The fact that you seem to believe that Microsoft is the end all and be-all is actually funny in a sad sort of way. Then again, being a good NEA member, you would spout the Union line. Microsoft has pumped tens of millions of dollars into your union. Of course you are going to "recommend" Microsoft Windows". To do otherwise would probably get you reprimanded at the least and fired at the worst. You are only doing what you've been instructed to do.

You've been trained well.

I don't know when you attended college Karen but the Linux of even two years ago pales in feature and ability to what there is available now...and that in turn will pale in a year's time. linux is superior to MS windows in so many ways, they are too numerous to mention here...I am weary of enumerating them. Unlike Microsoft who meters their "improvements" and then shovels them to you every five years or so for purchase; Linux releases their improvements upon their completion. We receive the newest and the best of the system when it is tested to be usable and stable. Karen, you have no idea the slavery you work under...but you don't know any better. The shame of it is, you are trapped with millions of other teachers in obeying the NEA and preaching the goodness of Windows and Microsoft. A superior, free and absolutely entertaining method of operating your computer is within reach and you are unable to grasp it.

The most disturbing part of this resides in the fact that the AISD purchases millions of dollars of Microsoft Software in a year's time when that money could be better spent on educating our children. A dedicated School Teacher would recognize that fact and lobby for the change to Free Open Source Software and let the money formally spent on MS bindware be used on our kids.

A teacher who cared about her students would do that.

That is sad past my ability to express it to you. Don't shackle your students in your prison Karen.

Now. You give that boy his disks back. Aaron is a brilliant kid and he's learned more using Linux than he ever did using Windows. Those disks and their distribution are perfectly legal and even if he was "disruptive", you cannot keep his property. I have placed a call to the AISD Superintendent and cc'd him a complete copy of your email. It looks like we will get to meet in his office when School starts again after the holiday. I am anxious to meet a person who is this uninformed and still holds a position of authority and learnedness over our children.

Ken Starks
HeliOS Solutions
source: http://linuxlock.blogspot.com/2008/12/linux-stop-holding-our-kids-back.html
Memang perlu perhatian dan sosialisasi tentang Free/Open Source Software kepada para guru. Karena harus diakui, bahwa pengaruh guru kepada ana didiknya sangat signifikan.
Ini juga merupakan keberhasilan team Public Relation dan Marketingnya Microsoft yang menghabiskan dana Jutaan Dollar. Berikut kutipan komentar seorang warga Amerika :

"Absolutely goes to show the mindset billions of dollars of PR money will buy.
Goes right along with 'It's illegal to erase Windows from my computer!'
Utter nonsense!
Ignorance is not bliss, but slavery. Our educators should know this better than we do. Micro$oft doesn't 'give' anything away. There is always a cost, known or hidden." Amenitmen.

Mudah-mudahan, bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam menyusun rencana kegiatan komunitas untuk sosialisasi Free Open Source Software ke depan, baik secara nasional maupun di Sulawesi Selatan.

Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

si Mouse ultah ke-40

Pasti kenal kan, dengan si Mouse ? Pasti iya. Karena tanpa dia, berkomputer seperti sayur tanpa garam. (*kecuali bagi teman2 slackers kali yah?)

Hari ini, tepat 40 tahun lalu, mouse sebagai peranti input komputer di perkenalkan. Meski begitu, "tampang" si mouse ini tak banyak berubah selama kurun waktu 40 ini.

Yup. Mari kita ucapkan "Selamat Ulang Tahun ke 40" untuk mouse.

so what did you bought as a gift for your mouse ?

Senin, 01 Desember 2008

Open Office dapat ditulisi Arabic dan Japanese

Bagi yang ingin membuat OpenOffice-nya dapat ditulisi dengan karakter arab dapat mencoba cara dibawah ini.

Silakan kunjungi pranala berikut:
Hasil Millis id-ubuntu

Itu untuk huruf Cina Jepang, Korea. Tapi dengan menambahkan scim-m17n, maka huruf Arab sudah termasuk.

Tapi Sayang pranalanya pake bahasa Inggris. :( Saya terjemahkan singkat saja.

1. Buka console (Applications->Accessories->Terminal), lalu ketikkan
perintah2 berikut:
sudo apt-get install uim anthy scim-gtk2-immodule scim-uim scim-m17n ttf-kacst
sudo touch /etc/X11/Xsession.d/74custom-scim_startup
sudo chmod 646 /etc/X11/Xsession.d/74custom-scim_startup
echo 'export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"' >> /etc/X11/Xsession.d/74custom-scim_startup
echo 'export GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"' >> /etc/X11/Xsession.d/74custom-scim_startup
echo 'export XIM_PROGRAM="scim -d"' >> /etc/X11/Xsession.d/74custom-scim_startup
echo 'export QT_IM_MODULE="scim"' >> /etc/X11/Xsession.d/74custom-scim_startup
sudo chmod 644 /etc/X11/Xsession.d/74custom-scim_startup

2. Restart lalu login lagi.
3. Buka OO writer.
4. Tekan CTRL-SPACE untuk mengaktifkan. Biasanya muncul sesuatu di kanan bawah. Pilih Arabic (Egypt) -> M17N-ar-kbd
5. Di menu OO writer, Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Languages -> Enabled for complex text layout (CTL)
6. Di toolbar OO writer, cari yang berlambang P terbalik. Pilih yang Right-To-Left
7. Cobalah mengetik. Untuk pindah ke keyboard Inggris lagi, tekan CTRL - SPACE lagi

Untuk bentuk huruf seperti di mushaf, bisa menggunakan KacstBook atau

sumber: http://muhidins.blogspot.com/2008/05/open-office-dapat-ditulisi-arabic-dan.html

Membuat Repository Lokal dari DVD untuk Ubuntu Hardy Heron (LAN)

Pada tutorial yang pertama hanya berlaku untuk komputer yang bersangkutan (1 komputer), bagian berlaku untuk 1 jaringan. Untuk membuat Repository lokal, yang berjalan dalam 1 jaringan ada pilihan, yaitu:

Lho Koq bagian 2 inikan baru pertama ? bagian 1 ada disini. Pada bagian pertama hanya berlaku untuk komputer yang bersangkutan (1 komputer), bagian berlaku untuk 1 jaringan. Untuk membuat Repository lokal, yang berjalan dalam 1 jaringan ada pilihan, yaitu:

1. Menggunakan FTP Server contoh disini
2. Menggunakan HTTP contoh disini

Tutorial kali ini akan membahas yang menggunakan HTTP. Langkah-langkah persiapan :

1. Installah web server. gunakan synaptic lalu beri tanda paket2 berikut (apache2, php5, php5-common, php5-GD, phpmyadmin, mysql-server)
2. buat folder baru untuk meletakan file repository pada folder web (www)
* $ sudo mkdir /var/www/repo
3. Masukan DVD1 lalu mount ke cdrom
* $ mount /cdrom
4. Salin isi DVD ke folder yang telah kita siapkan, menggunakan perintah rsync
* $ sudo rsync -avx --progress /cdrom/. /var/www/repo/
5. Tunggu hingga selesai, lalu keluarkan DVD dan ulangi langkah 3-5 (ganti DVD1 dengan 2-5) hingga DVD ke 5 selesai.

Dalam Ubuntu ada satu file yang berisi daftar seluruh file yang ada pada DVD tersebut. Berkas ini adalah Packages yang terletak dalam direktori dists/[distro]/[komponen]/binary-[arsitektur]/, misalnya dists/hardy/universe/binary-i386/ (Direktori dists/ sendiri berada di bawah direktori dasar yang Anda buat sebelumnya, misalnya /var/www/repo/). Rincian Packages pada setiap DVD adalah:

* DVD1 main restricted
* DVD2 main universe multiverse
* DVD3 universe
* DVD4 universe
* DVD5 universe

Jadi Packages yang harus digabungkan ada 2 yaitu Packages untuk main dan universe. Gabungkan berkas (daftar isi file) yang ada pada setiap DVD caranya:

1. Masukan DVD1 lalu mount

$ mount /cdrom
2. Salin berkas Packages ke repository lokal
$ sudo cp /cdrom/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages /var/www/repo/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages
3. Keluarkan DVD1, lalu masukan DVD2, lalu mount
$ mount /cdrom
4. Gabungkan berkas Packages main yang ada pada DVD2
$ sudo cat /cdrom/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages >> /var/www/repo/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages
5. Buat ulang arsip untuk Packages.gz dan Packages.bz2
cd /var/www/repo/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386
gzip -9 -c Packages > Packages.gz
bzip2 -9 -c Packages > Packages.bz2
6. Lanjutkan dengan Paket dari universe, salin file (DVD2) ke direktori lokal
$ sudo cp /cdrom/dists/hardy/universe/binary-i386/Packages /var/www/repo/dists/hardy/universe/binary-i386/Packages
7. Keluarkan DVD2, masukan DVD3 lalu mount
$ mount /cdrom
8. Gabungkan berkas Packages universe yang ada pada DVD3
$ sudo cat /cdrom/dists/hardy/universe/binary-i386/Packages >> /var/www/repo/dists/hardy/universe/binary-i386/Packages
9. Ulangi langkah 7-8 hingga DVD ke-5
10. Buat ulang arsip untuk Packages.gz dan Packages.bz2
cd /var/www/repo/dists/hardy/universe/binary-i386
gzip -9 -c Packages > Packages.gz
bzip2 -9 -c Packages > Packages.bz2
Ganti source.list dari komputer klien ke ip komputer kita (server-misal ip server

$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list
#tambahkan baris berikut ini
deb hardy main restricted universe multiverse

Selamat mencoba

Membuat Repository Lokal dari DVD untuk Ubuntu Hardy Heron

Tutorial ini dibuat karena kebutuhan untuk membuat repository lokal untuk sistem operasi Ubuntu-8.04 (Hardy Heron) dan BlankOn-3.0 (Lontara) yang sebelumnya telah membeli DVD Repository di Juragan Kambing, atau langsung download disini keunggulan membuat repository sendiri antara lain:

  • Butuh software gak pakai menunggu download dulu bisa langsung install
  • Bisa dipakai untuk banyak komputer dalam satu jaringan lokal (LAN)
Tutorial ini cocok untuk yang:
  • Memiliki DVD Repository Ubuntu.
  • Sudah bosan memasukkan dan mengeluarkan DVD.
  • Memiliki ruang kosong pada harddisk yang cukup besar untuk menampung isi seluruh DVD Repository.
  • Ingin menyalin DVD Repository ke harddisk dan menggunakannya langsung dari harddisk.
  • Ingin dapat melakukan hal di atas dengan cepat dan mudah
Setelah googling sana-sini akhirnya dapat juga petunjuk dari mbah berikut petunjuk yang diberikannya disini. Langkah-langkah pembuatan repository lokal untuk BlankOn Lontara sebagai berikut:
  • Buat folder untuk meletakan file-file DVD yang akan dijadikan repository, sebagai contoh di bawah folder /home/user/repo, caranya :
$ sudo mkdir /home/labkomp/repo
$ sudo mkdir /home/labkomp/repo/DVD1
$ sudo mkdir /home/labkomp/repo/DVD2
$ sudo mkdir /home/labkomp/repo/DVD3
$ sudo mkdir /home/labkomp/repo/DVD4
$ sudo mkdir /home/labkomp/repo/DVD5
  • Salin file dari masing-masing DVD 2 folder awal yaitu folder dist dan pooldengan cara
$ sudo cp -rf /media/cdrom1/dist /home/labkomp/repo/DVD1/
$ sudo cp -rf /media/cdrom1/pool /home/labkomp/repo/DVD1/
  • Ulangi langkah no.2 hingga selesai pada DVD5
  • Edit file /etc/apt/sources.list dengan perintah gedit (gnome dan X terbuka)
$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
  • Tambahkan baris berikut (buat paling atas aja, jika tak ada sambungan internet ditempat anda perintah yang lainnya jadikan saja sebgai komentar dengan cara menambahkan tanda # didepat perintah yang ada).
deb file:///home/labkomp/repo/DVD1/ hardy main restricted
deb file:///home/labkomp/repo/DVD2/ hardy main universe multiverse
deb file:///home/labkomp/repo/DVD3/ hardy universe
deb file:///home/labkomp/repo/DVD4/ hardy universe
deb file:///home/labkomp/repo/DVD5/ hardy universe
  • Simpan dan selamat menikmati lokal repository.
Oh ya tutorial ini hanya dapat dipergunakan pada 1 komputer saja, belum untuk jaringan lokal, tunggu tutor berikutnya atau kunjungi langsung disini